Monday, 7 January 2013

First post of 2k13

I want to start of by saying I hope everyone have had a brilliant Christmas and got what you wanted from Santa ;-) I certainly did! Also Happy belated New year too! 

Well I haven't really done much lately since I last written the blog, well nothing interesting shall we say. I'm struggling to keep up with this Blog as I always tend to find myself questioning weather anyone of you guys would even want to read this! Though the 2500+ views does keep me going! I just to ask everyone, can any of you give me suggestions on what topic I should maybe talk about on my next post as it'd be much help! 

In the past month or so, I haven't really done a lot if I'm honest. I did go London a few times, some were good and some weren't so good! I went London the other evening and I got to admit I swear I broke the Guinness World Record for the longest journey just to get a bloody McDonald's! (My favourite restaurant stopped serving food when I arrived :-( I'm just crazy so I'd travel so long just for my yummy nachos, not McDonald's. Anyway, let's move on :P Oh I got to say, I done the Cinnamon Challenge and put the Video up on You tube if you guys fancy watching it! 

Click here to watch the Cinnamon Challenge ;-) - Soph and Daisy Cinnamon Challenge. 

Well because it's the start of a new year, has anyone of you guys got wishes you want to achieve or anything in particular you'd like to do? I know that I want to do sky-dive this year as that would be the best experience in the life-time after the New York holiday which I went to last year ;-)                       I was thinking of doing a charity fund raising if I were to sky-dive but it seems a bit of a hassle and I doubt anyone would donate. Another thing I'd like to do is Bungee Jumping if I could cope with the fear of the rope snapping ha ha! 

I haven't got much plans for the next month or so, just started back Sixth Form today which is just ridiculously boring! But I'm hoping to get all my Year 11 work that I haven't finished off done soon so I can start A levels! Also I'm possibly starting IV's soon, which I hope not (Y) they can suck balls! 

Also I just want to say if any of you guys got Twitter, please follow me - I only got 52 followers, forever alone. @SpaziousSoph

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