Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Overdue an update...

Well it has been nearly two months since I last updated this blog! (oops!) The reason I don't really update it often is because my life is very un-interesting

I haven't really been up to much, well nothing interestingly exciting to blag about to be fair. All I did really was go shopping, eat out, get my liver intoxicated, school and all the usual normal teen stuff. Though a few things are happening in the next few weeks, which I'll explain...
Oh, it was my birthday too, but that's still not interesting enough to talk about ha-ha
Oh, and, I am doing my driving test in about a week or two so that'll be wicked! Long road trips to Paris bitches!

As you probably gathered from the last post on my blog, I moaned about how I kinda lost my hearing and was all depressed about it (If you haven't read it, click this) Well yeah, good news is that my hearing fully came back a few days later (still doesn't mean I can hear perfectly well :-P) We're still unsure why my hearing went completely shit for days but apparently it is common, so it happened...
If you read the last post, I discussed about being transferred to a hospital in London to have a chat and possibly an assessment for a Cochlear Implant, this is going to happen next Thursday, so I'm kind of excited/nervous. Though, I don't know why I'm bothering to go to be fair as I don't really want one. To me, Cochlear Implant has always been a last resort and they are one ugly looking fucker, so why would I want one on my head that is huge and noticeable when I can hear out of my left ear a bit... I guess I should go and speak to them all about it and make my decision from there.

CF Wise...
I haven't really got anything to update about CF wise, I just had IV's and all sorts. Though I got clinic next Tuesday which is the day I transfer to Adults (eek!) I'm looking forward to it to be honest, fresh new people (well kinda) but you know, hopefully they'll just be more um, interesting and stuff... Like I said, I don't have much to tell you which is good so yeah. :-) 

Anyway, this was just a short post as this blog has been abounded for a while so yeah...

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