Saturday, 20 October 2012

First one over! I thought I'd post another one!

Writing the first post was so difficult! I had no clue how to start it off, what to write and what is there to talk about! I thought of just doing a blog about my daily life and what I have been up to... So I'll tell you guys what I been up to lately :-) 

The past week or so - 

I got admitted to King's 2 weeks ago (Planned) for a Port operation and for some IV's beforehand so I can be in the best shape for my op (For those who do not know what a port is, it's a metal piece that is planted beneath your skin so that I can have the vital IV's treatment I need, because our veins may be scarred from being used as a 'pin cushion"!) Anyway yeah, this is my 4th port! If I think about it, it's the 3rd port in roughly 4/5 years which I don't think is good as they should last up to 10 years each! The reason I keep having new port is because the last two port got infected while I was in hospital, which they claim it's because of my "poorly treated" CFRD... Which I guess we'll never know! It's so frustrating because my body is not a big fan of General Anasethic (Most people love it!) It seem to relax my body too much that I have difficulty in breathing for a few days after and in a great deal of pain and also seems to make my lung function drop and I find it harder to put it back to where it was beforehand. I had that done last Monday (15th of Oct) so I'm in a bit of pain and discomfort but I'll have to get used to it after going about 7 months without it!           

 Say hello to baby Paddy the port (Sticks out too much for my liking!) 
Transitioning to Adults care - 

 I got a feeling that at the end of this admission will be the start of transition to Adult's care because I have briefly spoken to the Adult CF nurse and my CF nurse now has said about showing me the Adults ward next week... I have got mix feelings about going into Adults care because I'll be leaving the people I've known since I was tiny, and putting my health in a hand of strangers I don't know but will get to know! I do worry about, well I don't worry but wonder what it'll be like taking care of everything like phone calls and sorting appointment out and dealing with it because it's normally down to my parent's that do things like that! So that seems nerve wracking... Also I think I'm a bit immature right now to even go into Adults lol! But it'll fine :-) 

My idea to get better and improve my health - 

During this admission, I have come up with a plan and like a "Smart Goal" which I'd like to achieve... Once I get out of hospital, I'm hoping to get my Exercise Referral appointment at my local gym and get a free 3 months membership! If I do successfully get this - I want to do a progress and see if I can try and boost my lung function back in the 50's because it's currently sitting in the 30's right now and I'm not impressed with that... I'd rather be where I was about 3 years ago, 'safe and stable". It will be hard to get the motivation to do this because I do tend to suffer during exercise, like getting pounding headaches, breathless and just not feeling good... Whereas a few years back, I'd feel so much better afterward! But I find it difficult to get on the bike for 5 minutes right now! So this is going to be hard but hopefully worth it in the end with the supports! 

Something I thought I'd share with you guys 

I've also started learning how to drive, which is wicked! I'm looking forward to passing my test... I could of done them when I turned 16 but the provisional forms were a nightmare, sending forms back saying I've missed this paper and asking so many stupid question that isn't important but anyway I got it now so it's all sorted!! I've already got a car, well I'm insured on a car :P same thing right? I'm going to be a rubbish driver! It's so BIG... I'm small... My driver instructor's car is so small and I keep going to close to the parked cars on the side so god know how I'll cope when I start driving in my own car, arghhhhhh!!

Anyway, I'll probably be posting a blog every other week and will try and make it interesting! :D 

Cheerio and have a good day! 

Soph xx

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