Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Wish me luck!

I thought I would give a quick update on what's been going on even though hardly anything interesting has been going on...

Though you're probably pondering why my title says "Wish me luck!". Well this is because I finally got my driving license back last week after 4 months of waiting!  So I have booked my theory test this Friday! Waaah 

I'm with BSM, they have this rule (Pretty sure it's BSM that does this rule or whatever) so I am only granted 14 hours lessons for free till I pass to do my theory then I get more hours for free, so I decided to book my test for this Friday and to be honest, I am kind of shitting it. I tend to find I get easily distracted by noises and I can't concentrate for long so an hour of sitting and staring a screen whilst getting my brain in gear is just going to be HELL. But I'm hoping to go in with a positive mind and receive a positive outcome! 

I haven't really been doing much lately apart from trying to finish off my Society, Health & Development, which is just taking the piss as I should have completed it by year 11, but due to health problems and huge absent from school, I never really got the chance to complete it. It's frustrating because I'm not with my friends hardly now as I'm always in the Hearing Impaired Unit which is provided for the Deafs (So quiet in there and I get extra supports bitches) I was suppose to be retaking my Maths and English last September but they have now decided I need to start from scratch, which means I got to do the whole process of year 10 and 11 work but in Sixth Form still. So I'm going to restart it again this September as I was absent pretty much last year due to Port operations and fluy cold which kept me trapped at home.

Cystic Fibrosis wise 
We all have our good days and bad days and that's what's happening with me at the moment. I mean, I feel pretty well, but then some mornings I'll wake up feeling like a pile of shit and struggle to get a decent breathe so that's a pisstake because it's affecting my Education. Meeh

I just wanted to say, I found this paragraph about Cystic Fibrosis and thought it was quite well informative and well written. I just thought I would share it with you guys :-) I don't even know who wrote this, but whoever did, did a good job. 

Cystic Fibrosis: I could give you the medical definition of what it is, but that surely doesn't do justice to the realities of it all.

Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that slowly destroys your body one day at a time. It causes constant pain and fatigue. Hours worth of treatments and over 45 pills...not every week, but every single day. Your lungs ache and struggle to do, what seems to others, the "simple" process of breathing. Toxic antibiotics that improve, but yet also destroy your body. Doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists are considered family. 18 years old. We're not celebrating because we are now considered a legal adult, we are celebrating because we are alive. Our bodies are starved from proper nutrients and oxygen. Kidneys fail. Livers fail. Hearts fail. Lungs fail. Bodies fail. People die. Kids who never got the chance to see middle school, teenagers who were holding on to hopefully make it until graduation, and adults who waited endless hours, but never received that call.

Think this is too harsh? Welcome to the life of thousands of people, who despite all of this, keep an immense amount of laughter and positivity in their lives.

Anyway, I'm going to end this now and hopefully next time I'll post with some good news (aka theory test!)

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

It's February already?!

Hey everyone,
Hope it's all going well with y'all and that you're sticking to your new years resolutions ;-) 

How's everyone liking the new make-over?! To be fair, I quite like it because it's plain and I'm not the most creative person so I'm quite proud with the header that I personally created! ;-) There is a minor mistake on the header which you guys probably already have noticed! :P For those who haven't noticed, the title is suppose to say "Spazzy & Fabulous" rather than Spazious because Spazzy and Fabulous together kinda mingled and makes the word Spazious, well in my mind it does! Also the quality is very shit but I can't seem to make it look clearer...
I also thought I'd mention this because everyone seems to ask why I have chosen "Spazious Sophie" I haven't exactly got a clue why but to be fair, I quite liked the fact because Spaz & Fabulous connects well ;-) and makes Spazious therefore Spazious Sophie looks very um interesting. But I also don't like over-used words that other people uses like "Sixty Five Roses" and all sorts so you know?

I don't really update very much because I tend to not have anything interesting to say but hopefully I can make this blog much more interesting starting now...

I haven't really done anything quite interesting lately which is poo, though I did get a job interview at this milkshake shop which I was hoping to get because they own a hut down the beach and just to think nothing is more perfect than getting paid to tan right?! ;-) Unfortunately I didn't get the job, but to be honest I'm glad I still got an interview from them as no one ever seems to accept me, so it gave me a clear aspect of what to expect when I next go to an interview. Blame my rubbish grammar and spelling on my CV ;-)

I'm also still waiting for my driving license to be sent back to me which is a pain in the arse because it was a struggle to get it due to them being nosey bastards and sending medical forms to be written forth and back, but hopefully I will get it soon!

Anyway, CF-wise

I did managed to finished IV's two weeks ago which is brilliant because I found it very annoying as it's in a bit of an awkward place so I keep forgetting it's there after nearly a year without one so can't blame me! I gotta' be grateful though as the last two ports were just absolutely shit if I'm honest so yeah... I had local CF clinic today which I trekked myself (mission with a heavy school bag) It was a bit weird as I normally have my Mum with me and she normally answers all the Q's and knows all my medications by heart whereas I don't unless they mention the name as I'm not good at holding long grammatical words :P
Overall I think it went alright, I'm happy that they seemed to listen to me this time and took noticed that my back does hurt and affects my school work due to lack of concentration and also I got to have a bone density scan possibly just to rule out whatever it is but I'm hoping it's just a small minor muscles thing that can be solved easily :) Though my lung function has dropped quite a lot in the last two weeks, I haven't felt well since last week so it's no wonder why, so I'm on orals (Thank god Dr changed his mind after thinking about admitting me in!!) so lets hope that works :) I'm on some orals for my sinuses too as I have noticed it has gotten really bad lately that I'm sniffing like a pig all the time and it gets even worst when I'm stressed or nervous and I'm always stressed out at school so not a nice image!

Anyway, I'm gonna end this boring post once again

PS. GUYS, it would be a massive help if you could maybe provide an idea of what I could talk about on my next post, it would be great! Feel free to TWEET me questions or even post below on the box :-)